Joint NJPMA and NPMA Benefits

Partners to Promote and Advance the Goals and Objectives of the Pest Management Industry.
NPMA Popular Benefits:
As a member of the NJPMA and the NPMA, you’re in good company. Each year, member companies enjoy the prestige of belonging to the industry’s premier trade associations.
Through its extensive programming efforts, NPMA strives to elevate the entire pest management profession. We do this in many ways:
- Offering world-class education and certification programs designed to create a well-trained workforce and to help our members build productive, responsible businesses
- Developing best practices and offering timely, informative technical resources
- Providing a unified voice for the pest management industry to promote a positive regulatory and legislative climate in which to do business
- Connecting members to unparalleled networking opportunities via conferences, meetings and online forums
- Promoting a positive public image and building awareness of the value of the pest management industry to current and future customers.
Click on the links below to learn more about the benefits available to you. And don't forget to update your membership profile to make sure you and your employees are receiving the information you want in the way that you want it!
Information Central Hotline (800-678-6722)
- Gasoline Discounts
- PayAnywhere
- UPS Freight Shipping Discounts
- Human Resources Consulting Service
- Background Screening Services
- Enterprise Fleet Management Discounts
- Discounted Fleet Graphics
- Prescription Discount Card
- Virtual Physician Network
- Discounted Small Package Shipping
- Insurance Solutions
- Collections Services
- National Fit Testing Service
- NPMA Franchise Program - Nissan Fleet Discounts
The Professional Women in Pest Management (PWIPM) is an affiliate group of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) whose mission is to attract, develop and support women in the pest management industry through educational programs, resources and peer networking.
Each year, PWIPM:
- Hosts professional development sessions and networking events at NPMA's Legislative Day, Academy, and Pestworld;
- Awards professional empowerment grants;
- Recognizes an industry leader through the Women of Excellence Award;
- Raises money for the Avon Foundation for Women; and
- Publishes quarterly newsletters.
Questions? Call us at 800-524-9942 or email us at Membership@njpma.com