We Have Expanded our Offerings Online with a full schedule of Online meetings designed to provide top-notch presentations with NJDEP, NYDEC and NJPH Credits.
Our Online workshops require you to particpate via your PC, Tablet our Smart Phone.
* Government issued photo ID is required and will be verified prior to and immediately after the meeting (i.e. will not be video recorded)
* Attendees must be visible throughout the entire session (with live video on) and must stay to the end.
* Polls will be randomly scheduled, & attendance will be visually monitored by a moderator.
* Call-ins (audio only) are not eligible for pesticide recertification credits; you need a computer/phone/tablet with 'live' video capability.
If You Have Any Questions or Difficulties Registering for This or Any Other Class.
Please Contact The NJPMA by Emailing classes@njpma.com or by calling us at: 800-524-9942

On March 30th & 31st, we invite you to join us for the NJPMA Spring Conference Online Workshop. This workshop will feature a mix of in-depth sessions focusing on the latest research and technology in the pest management industry and how to Pests. A great opportunity to directly reach the professionals working in the Pest Control Industry.

NJDEP Credits Available in Categories:
7A - General & Household Pest Control
7B - Termites & Other WDI
7D - Food Processing
8A - General Public Health

NJ Public Health Credits

On April 7th, we invite you to join us for the NJPMA Stored Food Products Pests in Food Processing Plants Online Workshop. This workshop will feature a mix of in-depth sessions focusing on the latest research and technology in the pest management industry and how to combat Food Storage Pests. A great opportunity to directly reach the professionals working in the Food Storage Pest Control Industry.

NJDEP Credits
Category 7A - General & Household Pest Control - 4
Category 7D - Food Processing - 4
Category 8A - General Public Health - 4

NJ Public Health Credits
NJPHC - 4.0