NJPMA WDI Credentialed Inspectors Course
February 7th & 8th | 8am - 5pm
Holiday Inn - Piscataway, NJ (Formerly the Radisson Inn)
$275.00 Per Person - NJPMA Members
$375.00 Per Person - Non-Members
A Comprehensive Two-Day Course Focusing on Wood-Destroying Insect Inspections.
The New Jersey Pest Management Association has credentialed over 200 W.D.I Inspectors. This program is intended to promote wood destroying inspections by only credentialed inspectors. Being a credentialed inspector sets you apart from the crowd. It is a way of telling realtors and attorneys that you are qualified to protect their clients interests.
Credentialing is awarded to those who pass all tests, complete assigned paperwork and have a valid 7B license from the NJDEP.
Limited to the first 65 registrants.
Workshop Schedule - Day 1
8 AM - Registration / Continental Breakfast
830 AM - Introduction
9 AM - Termites - Biology, Behavior and Updates - Ralph Citarella Jr., BCE
10 AM - Coffee Break
1015 AM - Wood Destroying Beatles / Carpenter Bees - Ralph Citarella Jr., BCE
1115 AM - Carpenter Ants - Ralph Citarella Jr., BCE
1215 PM - Lunch / Visit Exhibits
1 PM - Wood Destroying Fungus / Occasional WDI's and Red Herrings - Ralph Citarella Jr., BCE
2 PM - Break
215 PM - Inspector Tools & Conduction the Inspection - Jan Ten Hoeve
4 PM - Closing Coments & Wrap-up.
Workshop Schedule - Day 2
830 AM - Registration / Continental Breakfast
9 AM - NPMA-33: What You Need to Know about Paperwork (This is the inspection report) - Jan Ten Hoeve
10 AM - Coffee Break
1015 AM - Attachments & Graphs: Putting it on Paper . . . Properly - Jan Ten Hoeve
1215 PM - Lunch
1 PM - Liabilities and Legal Issues - John Diesel
230 PM - Break
245 PM - Review
315 PM - Credentialling Test

Members get to enjoy Express Registration. Just a few clicks will save you money and get you on your way. Click HERE for Details!!

Planning on spending the night in Piscataway? Click HERE to reserve a room at the Holiday Inn.
Mention the NJPMA to get a Special Rate!
NJPMA – Wood Destroying Insects Credentialed Inspector
The NJPMA offers Credentials for Home Inspection and Pest Control Professionals through its Bi-Annual Credentialing course. Attending this course every two years and passing the exam, will merit certification. Upon certification, the certified applicant will also receive an NJPMA Cedentialed Inspector Shoulder Insignia, Document Embosser and a Wall Certificate suitable for framing. Advanced Wood Destroying Insects Credentials are usually preferred by employers and consumers looking to hire the best Licensed Home Inspectors and WDI Technicians.

NJPMA Members - $ 275.00
Non-Members - $ 375.00

NJDEP Credits - 2 Day Total
7B Termites & Other WDI - 20 Credits
7A General & Household - 4 Credits
7E Wood Preserving - 2 Credits
8A General Public Health - 4 Credits
8C Campground - 6 Credits
PA Dept. of Ag. Credits - 2 Day Total
00 - Core - 3 Credits
12 Wood Destroying Insects - 7 Credits
18 Demonstration & Research - 7 Credits