NJDEP Clarification Regarding the Treatment of Ticks
As Per Hollie Ezze (Supervisor)
Supervising Environmental Specialist
Bureau of Pesticide Compliance and Enforcement
Pesticide Licensing, Permits and Registration
March 31, 2022
Previously, pesticide applications for the control of ticks and fleas were covered only under categories 7A (General and Household Pest Control) and 8A (General Public Health Pest Control).
Since Lyme disease is a major health issue in New Jersey, it has become necessary to treat the high-grass and low-brush areas where the deer tick is often found. Also, fleas can be effectively treated in turf areas before they become a household pest.
Although 8A (General Public Health) is the preferred category for the control of ticks and fleas inside or outside a structure, additional categories which address the site to be treated should be included.
Therefore, the Pesticide Control Program is approving Category 3A (Ornamental) for the control of ticks in low-brush areas and Category 3B (Turf) in turf areas. Category 3B (Turf) is also approved for the control of fleas in turf areas.
It is still acceptable for an applicator licensed in Categories 7a (General and Household) or 8A (General Public Health) to treat turf and ornamental areas for the control of ticks and to treat turf for the control of fleas.
It is not acceptable however, for a person licensed in Categories 3A (Ornamental) or 3B (Turf) to treat inside a structure (homes, offices, schools, etc.) for the control of these pests.

NJDEP Category 7A, (General and Household) - Treat inside a structure (homes, offices, schools, etc.) for the control of these pests. In addition, 7A is permissible to treat turf and ornamental areas for the control of ticks and to treat turf for the control of fleas.
NJDEP Category 3A (Ornamental) for the control of ticks in low-brush areas and Category 3B (Turf) in turf areas. Category 3B (Turf) is also approved for the control of fleas in turf areas.
NJDEP Category 8A (General Public Health) is the preferred category for the control of ticks and fleas inside or outside a structure.