Invading species

Spotted Lanternflies - Online Workshop

Wednesday, September 14th, 2022  | 9am - 10am   

Online Check-In Begins at 8am!

We invite you to join us for the NJPMA Spotted Lanternflies Online Workshop.  This workshop will feature a mix of in-depth sessions featuring the latest research and technology in the pest management industry and how to combat Lanternflies.

SLF is a serious invasive pest with a healthy appetite for our plants and it can be a significant nuisance, affecting the quality of life and enjoyment of the outdoors. The spotted lanternfly uses its piercing-sucking mouthpart to feed on sap from over 70 different plant species. It has a strong preference for economically important plants including grapevines, maple trees, black walnut, birch, willow, and other trees. The feeding damage significantly stresses the plants which can lead to decreased health and potentially death.

The Spotted Lanternflies Workshop will cover the following topics…

  • Identification of the Spotted Lanternfly
  • How it found its roots into the Tri-State area.
  • The spread of the Spotted Lanternfly and its increasing areas of quarantine.
  • Ornamental damage created by the Spotted Lanternfly.
  • Treatment and Identification of Egg Masses.
  • Treatment of adult and other stages of the Spotted Lanternfly.
  • Best Management Practices per the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, and Penn State.
  • Host Plants of the Spotted Lanternfly.
  • The role of Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) in the Life Cycle of the Spotted Lanternfly.
  • Eradication of Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima).
  • Chemical Controls of both Pests (Insects and Ornamentals)
  • Biological Controls of both Pests (Insects and Ornamentals)
  • Where do we go from here?

Our Featured Speaker will be:

  • Mike Reed - Director of Technical Sales and Education , Synatek Solutions



member discount

Take advantage of Member Discounts on this workshop by registering your employees in your Company Profile.  Click HERE to find out how!  Not a member?  Click HERE to Join Now!

express registration

Members get to enjoy Express Registration.  Just a few clicks will save you money and get you on your way.  Click HERE for Details!!

purchase-orders - 300

If your customers are in the areas shaded in blue, you should be attending this workshop!

Spotted Lanternfly Reported Distribution

Updated March 2022


ny ipm
lf map

Looking for our Category 7A General & Household Pest Control NJDEP Exam Prep Course?   Click HERE for Dates and Locations.

Registation fee 150

NJPMA Members - $25.00


Non-Members - $50.00


NJ Health
DEC Logo

NJDEP Credits* 

NJ Public Health

NYDEC Credits

2 - Forest - 2.0

3A - Ornamentals - 2.0

6B - Right-of-Way - 2.0

8C - Campground - 2.0

9 - Regulatory - 2.0

PP2 - Private Applicator - 2.0




NJPHC - 1.0

2 - 1.0

3a = 1.0

25 = 1.0

NJDEP Credits will Apply to Applicator Licenses in time for Oct 31 Deadline.

* NJDEP Licensed Applicators must remain on camera for the entire class in order to earn Re-Certification Credits.


PAYMENT/CANCELLATION POLICY:  During this time of increased demand for these courses we are doing our best to make sure we can get everyone who wants a course, into a course.  Due to Limited Capacity, we often sell out.  For this reason, we are strictly enforcing out Payment/Cancellation Policy.   All classes MUST be PAID at least two days in advance.  Cancellations are allowed as long as we are notified by email ( ) at least two days in advance.  No-shows forfeit their registration fee, however you may reschedule for a fee of $20.

This is a Joint Presentation by the NJPMA and the NYPMA
