Visit with the NJPMA on the Exhibition Floor
2024 Eastern Conference
January 18-19 | Atlantic City, NJ
We invite you to join us for the 2024 Eastern Conference at Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The conference will feature a mix of in-depth management sessions, and technical courses featuring the latest research in the pest management industry.
The 2024 Eastern Conference offers…
- More than 13 sessions where you can earn valuable re-certification in up to 12 states
- A variety of educational tools needed to grow your business including technical training, management topics and keynote sessions with industry experts
- Networking with over 300 pest management professionals from your region
- An exhibitor showcase which features more than 35 suppliers
Co-Sponsored by:
New Jersey Pest Management Association
Connecticut Pest Control Association
Delaware Pest Control Association
Maryland State Pest Control Association
New England Pest Management Association
New York Pest Management Association
Pennsylvania Pest Management Association
Virginia Pest Management Association

Re-certification credits for the 2023 Eastern Conference have been applied for in the following states:
CT, DC, DE, MA, ME, MD, NH, NJ, NY, PA RI, VA, VT, and WV.