Pest Control Has Changed . . .
Hiring qualified technicians over the past few years has become more and more difficult. This will be even more extreme by 2025 when service industries will be competing against each other to fill positions. The NJPMA is reaching out to Technical High Schools and Community Colleges to begin grooming the next generation of technicians today. Once graduation rolls around these young people will be ready to step into a new career. The career placement counselors we have worked with are eager to pass this opportunity on to their students.
We ask that our participating member companies offer the following to perspective technicians through this program. Summer Interneships, Minimum Hourly Wage between $15 - 18 per hour, and Provide Comprehensive Training. A well-trained person is more apt to have pride in their work and stay within the industry.
This brochure has been sent to many Technical High Schools and Community Colleges around the state.
Interested in having your School participate in this program? The NJPMA can help. Working alongside the NJ Community College Consortium for State Workforce & Economic Development, the NJPMA can assist in putting together curriculum, bringing in industry experts, and negotiating Scholarship Programs with manufacturers, and distributors.
Contact us via email: Careers@NJPMA.com
Or by phone: 800-524-9942