Orlando, FL - June 10, 2022 - Representatives from 38 of this year’s PCT Top 100 companies took time out of their schedules to reflect on this past year’s successes at the PCT Top 100 Awards Ceremony and Industry Summit, held this week in Orlando and sponsored by Syngenta.
A panel discussion moderated by PCT’s Brad Harbison on “Why Philanthropy Matters” included Bill Hoffman, owner of Hoffman’s Exterminating, Maple Shade, N.J.; Scarlett Nolen, president of Truly Nolen of America; and Bobby Jenkins, president of ABC Home & Commercial Services, Austin, Texas. While most people think of the impact charity work has on those who receive it, what it means to employees is huge. Hoffman provided the example of a quiet intern at his company who flourished when he donned the Hoffman bumblebee mascot costume and brought joy to a child with autism. CLICK HERE to read more.

Midland Park, NJ - September 28, 2021 - In honor of the company’s 51st anniversary, Horizon Pest Control announced that it would reimburse up to 51 teachers from the surrounding area for up to $100 each for the school supplies they purchased for their classrooms as they headed back to in-person teaching this September. Click HERE to read more.

Piscataway, NJ - October 21, 2020 - The 20th annual “New Jersey Cockroach Derby”, sponsored by the New Jersey Pest Management Association, will feature a special race this year pitting a designated “Trump” cockroach against a “Biden cockroach to predict the outcome of the presidential contest. The race will be held at high noon on Wednesday, October 21st at the Radisson Hotel, 21 Kingsbridge Road in Piscataway
In past years, the ‘Roach Derby” has attracted national attention due its uncanny 84 percent accuracy rate predicting political winners. Some controversy still exists over previous years’ winner in the presidential race.
The Association uses Madagascar “Hissing” Cockroaches for the race because of their size and ability to respond to stimuli. They are one of the largest cockroach species in the world that luckily are not indigenous to this area. New Jerseyeans have to contend more with the smaller German or American cockroaches along with the occasional Oriental cockroach infestation. Actually, the ant has replaced the cockroach as the number one household pest in the country due according to Leonard Douglen, the Executive Director of the Association. This “Roach Derby” has been part of the Association’s annual clinic and trade show, which after 71 years had to be canceled due the coronavirus. Click HERE to watch the video.

NJ Wildlife and Pest Control Earns Mark of Excellence in Public Health
NJ Wildlife and Pest Control in Randolph, NJ, has earned the QualityPro Public Health in Rodents Certification and had 2 team members earn the Public Health of Entomology (PHE) Certificate.
QualityPro Public Health equips companies with the resources to build science-based, effective, and commercially viable services, ensuring their certified technicians have the knowledge to perform these services through training and testing. Click HERE to read more.

Has Your Company Been in the News?
Send us your Links, Clippings, Air Checks, Videos. Anything that tells us about your success and why the press showcased your company. We love to show off the success of our NJPMA Members! Email us at info@njpma.com

NJ Wildlife and Pest Control Wins PCT’s 2nd Annual Vehicle Wrap Contest
September 16, 2020 —PCT announced NJ Wildlife and Pest Control, Mt. Freedom, N.J., as the winner of our second annual Vehicle Wrap Contest. NJ Pest Owner Russell Sieb wins $500 from PCT. The competition was sponsored by Oldham Chemicals.
The winning wrap was created by Sieb and was printed onto the company's Transit Connect van by Signarama, Ledgewood, N.J. It features a large spider across the door and a smaller bat just above the back tire. Also, the company’s URL and phone number, as well as some NJ Pest’s pest icons and affiliation’s (e.g., NJPMA logo), are clearly visible. Click HERE to read more.

Man living alone during pandemic expected exterminator to kill bugs. He did much more.
April 20, 2020 — Gordon Dreher, 61, suffered a heart attack in December and lives alone with his fluffy Akita puppy in Brick Township.
So when his Terminix technician asked him amid the coronavirus pandemic if he needed help with anything besides keeping pesky critters at bay around his house, Dreher took notice. Click HERE to read more.

Thanks to polar vortex, these NJ pests may be more scarce
February 2020 - As the calendar inches towards spring, maybe you can find some warmth in the fact that the arctic blasts experienced by New Jersey this winter will put a dent in the number of pests you encounter over the next several months.
Certain insects don't hold up so well in the extreme cold — as long as they haven't yet found a home in your walls.
"Whatever was outside and overwintering underneath the bark of trees or in tree stumps — yes, they would've died off with the extreme cold," said Russel Sieb, owner of New Jersey Pest Control in Randolph. Read More:

Inside Edition is on the hunt for Coyotes in New York's Central Park with Jerry Malangone.
November 2019 — NJPMA Board Member and Owner of Balance of Nature Termite, Pest and Wildlife Control, Jerry Malangone is on the prowl for a Coyote in Mid-Town Manhattan. Click HERE to see the video.

NJ 101.5 FM Features Viking Pest and What You Need to Know About Fall Pest Prevention.
October 2019 — As the leaves start to change and jack-o-lanterns start to appear, pests begin to prepare for winter, and your home filled with food and water looks more appealing than its surrounding areas.
Specifically, Fall Pests like Rodents, Cockroaches, Stink Bugs and Boxelders, will try to invade your home, garage or sheds, seeking warmth, and building nests within your walls. Click HERE to read more

We Bug NJ
By 223 Media | Sept 5, 2019
Joe and Ed Sheehan LIVE from the 72nd Clinic, Trade Show and Clambake. August 15th at Rutgers University.
Click HERE for more Details on Colony Confidential Podcasts.
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NJPMA Salute to Bernie Holst, Jr.
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At the 72nd annual New Jersey Pest Management Association Clinic, Trade Show & Clambake special recognition was given to Bernie Holst, Jr. for his dedication, leadership and promotion of NJPMA for over 40 years. Even while busy growing his company, Horizon Termite & Pest Control, Bernie has always played a major role in this association. He is only the second person from NJ to serve as president of both NJPMA and NPMA. Click HERE to read more.
NJPMA Pest Management Professional of the Year Ralph Citarella Jr., BCE, Bayonne Exterminating Company
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New Jersey Pest Management Association at its 72nd annual Clinic, Trade Show & Clambake recognized Ralph Citarella, Jr. as the Pest Management Professional of the Year. Click HERE to read more.

NJPMA Recognizes Association Leaders
The New Jersey Pest Management Association (NJPMA), at its 72nd annual Clinic, Trade Show & Clambake, named Ralph Citarella Jr., BCE, as the Pest Management Professional of the Year. It also honored Bernie Holst Jr. upon his retirement as NJPMA treasurer, a position he held for the past 20 years. Click HERE to read more.
Congrats to Ralph Citarella Jr. and Bernie Holst Jr., who were honored by the NJPMA for their contributions to the association and the industry. Click HERE to see PMP's Tweet

Listen in as Colony Confidential preps for the NJPMA Clinic, Trade Show and Clambake.
By 223 Media | August 14, 2019
Catch up with Joe and Ed Sheehan as they get ready for the NJPMA Clinic, Trade Show and Clambake on August 15th at Rutgers University. Click HERE for more Details on Colony Confidential Podcasts.
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NJPMA, Rutgers to Host Annual Clinic, Trade Show and Clambake
May 24, 2019 — On Aug. 15, NJPMA will be holding the 72nd Annual Clinic, Trade Show and Clambake at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. The event is one of the largest on the East Coast with 50 exhibitors and around 500 attendees. Click Here to read more

NJ 101.5 FM Interviews Cooper Pest Solutions CEO & NJPMA Member Phil Cooper
April 2018 — With spring finally starting to arrive, there's good and bad news — better weather, but also a proliferation of pests that may be trying to get into your living space. Phil Cooper, CEO of Cooper Pest Solutions in Lawrenceville, said the spring can see a high volume of ants and mice getting into homes. Click Here to read more

NJPMA Member Mary Vongas Graces the Cover of PMP!
Pest Management Professional - December 2017 — Women in Pest Management are featutred in the December issue of Pest Management Professional as seven women share their journeys to success, and where they are heading next.
Mary Vongas, NJPMA Member and President of ChemTec of Saddle Brook, NJ, is on the cover, and tells her story. Click here to read the entire article

NJPMA Launches Campaign to Help Hurricane Victims
Livingston, NJ - September 12 2017 - The New Jersey Pest Management Association has launched a campaign to aid the victims of the recent Hurricanes that have battered both Texas and Florida. Len Douglen Executive Director of the NJPMA says "We are reaching out since this is a time of need that is unprecedented. We are hoping we can inspire other state associations to do the same."
Members and Associates of the NJPMA are encouraged to give by clicking on this link + American Red Cross.

NJPMA Pres Speaks With WCBS 880's Kelly Waldron Regarding The Fight Against Lyme Disease
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - June 4, 2017 — As WCBS 880’s Kelly Waldron reported, some people have advised that if you have a tick attached to your skin, you should take a hot match to it, drop some peppermint oil on it, or even cover it with gasoline.
But Paul Utts of the New Jersey Pest Management Association said there is one tried and true method for removing a tick. “Really, it is about getting a nice pointed pair of tweezers, grabbing right at the base where it is inserted into the skin, and pulling straight out,” Utts said. And with all the viruses ticks can carry, the last thing you want is to squeeze a tick’s body or keep a tick on your own body for any period of time. If you are in a tick-prone area, Utts said you should use a permethrin-based spray on your clothing. “Spray this on when you’re not wearing your clothes,” he said. “Let it dry and it will last for several washings.”

NJPMA Names New Associate Director
Livingston, NJ - January 3, 2017 - The New Jersey Pest Management Association names Ken Healy as its Associate Director. Ken brings over 30 years of experience to NJPMA spending 20+ years working in Marketing, Research and Software Development related to Television Industry. Over the last ten years he has owned and operated his own Computer Consulting Firm.
Ken will be chiefly responsible for building and retaining membership in NJPMA, upgrading the associations technology, as well as the coordination of membership meetings and the development of continuing education opportunities.

NJPMA Prepares for 19th Annual Cockroach Derby

Presidential Cockroach Race at Rutgers
Click HERE to watch the Roach Race!
New Jersey Pest News
Viking Pest and What You Need to Know About Fall Pest Prevention. | NJ 101.5 FM
Spotted Lanternfly found in New Jersey | Bridgewater Courier News
New Jersey Is Dealing With A Tick Species That Is New To America | Forbes
It Is Time for N.J. to Treat Lyme Disease for What it is - An Epidemic | Trenton Times Editorial
Surprise! New Jersey Still Has to Worry About Ticks During Winter | NJ101.5 FM
NJ Faces Growing Health Threat From Virus-Carrying Mosquitoes | NJ Spotlight
Here Are The Biting Ticks In NJ: Very High Number Of Lyme Cases | Patch - National Staff