That's right! We accept Government Purchase Orders! Simply select "Pay Later" when choosing your payment option.
Please make sure you have registered Online for the class or workshop you wish to attend. PO's received without a prior registration will be returned to the sender. Please double check that you have input all your information correctly.
Name of Attendee
Govt. Agency Name (School, Township, County, etc)
Address (Business Address, we do not need your home address)
E-Mail (Must be a govt. issued email address, not gmail, etc.)
Once we verify that all of your information is correct we will issue an invoice via e-mail to the address you provided during registration. You must then send the Invoice to your Accounts Payable Dept. to create the Purchase Order which will be sent to us for signature. Once signed and returned to your Accounts Payable Dept, a check will be sent to Essex Management Services (EMS) on your behalf.
PO's can be sent to us via:
Email - classes@njpma.com
US Mail:
Essex Management Services
PO Box 24
Livingston, NJ 07039
Please note: A Purchase Order must be received in our offices at least 2 business days before the class or workshop you will be attending. Without a PO in hand, you may not be allowed to sit for the class.