All Attendees Must Register Online.
To Register, click on the date of the class you wish to attend below.
Walk-ins are NOT ALLOWED. You MUST register online.
All Classes are Open for Registration, Unless marked as - SOLD OUT.
PAYMENT/CANCELLATION POLICY: During this time of increased demand for these courses we are doing our best to make sure we can get everyone who wants a course, into a course. Due to Limited Capacity at our venues, we often sell out. For this reason, we are strictly enforcing out Payment/Cancellation Policy. All classes MUST be PAID at least two days in advance. Cancellations are allowed as long as we are notified by email ( Classes@NJPMA.com ) at least two days in advance. No-shows forfeit their registration fee, however you may reschedule for a fee of $20.
On-Line Webinar
In order to be marked "Present" for this class, every Attendee MUST log-in to the Webinar from their own device (PC, or MAC) and use their own unique email address. Absolutely No Sharing of devices or log-in.
Call-ins (audio only) are not allowed; you need a computer with *live* video capability.
Sorry No SMARTPHONES or TABLETS Permitted for this class.
You MUST Pay at the time of Registration. No Checks or Cash for Webinars.
If you need to use a Govt. PO, please CLICK HERE for details.

Train From Your Home or Office
Required Training
4 Hours of On-Line Training in CORE to fulfill the NJDEP Pesticide Operator Requirement / Required Exam Prep Course for NJDEP CORE Exam.
Our Online Classes are Considered In-Person by the NJDEP. Earn 100% of Offered Credits by attending. NO 25% LIMITATIONS!
Webinar Credits
NJDEP Credits - CORE - 8.0

- Government issued photo ID is required and will be verified prior to and immediately after the meeting (i.e. will not be video recorded)
- Attendees must be visible throughout the entire session (with live video on) and must stay to the end.
- Polls will be randomly scheduled, & attendance will be visually monitored by a moderator.
- Call-ins (audio only) are not eligible for pesticide recertification credits; you need a computer (PC or MAC) with *live* video capability. Cell Phones and Tablets are not permitted.
Basic Pesticide Training / CORE - En Espanol
Please be patient, we are adding more dates to our schedule as quickly as we can. Seating is Limited. In order to be marked "Present" for this class, every Attendee MUST log-in to the Webinar from their own device (PC, MAC, Tablet or smartphone) and use their own unique email address. No sharing.
You MUST Pay at the time of Registration. No Checks or Cash for Webinars.
If you need to use a Govt. PO, please CLICK HERE for details.
Private Classes
Private Classes
- Ask about our Private BPT/CORE Classes in both Spanish and English for groups of 10 or more.
- Private Category Classes Also Available.