November 4th | 9am - 1pm
Online Check-In Begin at 830am!
If you should have any difficulties logging in,
please contact us via email: classes@njpma.com
Requirements for those seeking NJDEP Credits:
- Applicators with a License/Recertification Period expiring October 31, 2020 will be given an exemption from the NJDEP online credit cap of 25% and are eligible for all credits, otherwise this exemption does not apply. You will receive the credits as outlined in Column 2 below, if you have not already receivid Online Credits in a particular category.
- Government issued photo ID is required and will be verified prior to and immediately after the meeting (i.e. will not be video recorded)
- Attendees must be visible throughout the entire session (with live video on) and must stay to the end.
- Polls will be randomly scheduled, & attendance will be visually monitored by a moderator.
- Call-ins (audio only) are not eligible for pesticide recertification credits; you need a computer/phone/tablet with *live* video capability.

NJDEP Credits
NJ Public Health
PA Dept of Ag Credits
Core - 8
NJPHC - 4.0
Core - 6