ASK the Doctor - Online Workshop
Tuesday, August 31st | 8am - 9am
Online Check-In Begins at 730am.
Hosted by:
Dr. James C. Ferretti, DO, DABR
Progressive Physician Associates - Bethlehem, Pa.
We invite you to join us for a 60 minute Presentation followed by a Q&A Session. A great opportunity to for YOU AND YOUR STAFF (Managers, Techs, Sales, and Office) to hear the TRUTH about Covid-19, the vaccine and the ominous Delta Variant. .
In this informative presentation by author, researcher and nationally renowned diagnostic radiologist James C. Ferretti, DO, DABR dispels every myth, fallacy and rumor about the current pandemic and, the amount of misinformation in mass media is TERRIFYING.
Using this presentation to combat its technical staff’s vaccine hesitancy, one NJPMA member company went from zero vaccinated techs to more than half the team on the road to vaccination within a week, with more to come!
Presented matter-of-factly, this well researched presentation makes complex medical concepts understandable to the layman and concludes with a question and answer period to address any and all concerns. Do not miss out on this event!
Just register once and share the link with your employees. Safely gather together (socially distant of course) or log-in from separate devices to tune-in from different locations or even on the go!

Sponsored by:

Otterstedt Insurance Agency

Take advantage of Member Discounts on this workshop by registering your employees in your Company Profile. Click HERE to find out how!

Members get to enjoy Express Registration. Just a few clicks will save you money and get you on your way. Click HERE for Details!!

Not a member of the NJPMA? Click HERE to Join Now!

Before the workshop, Len Douglen will be holding an informal Q&A Session during registration. Sponsors will be invited to join the discussion to take questions from attendees and speak about topics that coincide with the subject matter of the conference. Please bring your own Coffee and Donuts!

NJPMA Members - FREE
Non-Members - Sorry this is a NJPMA Members Only Event. Click HERE to Join Now!